
IFCO Member Profile

Name: Paul Gordon
Membership: Full Member, since 2005

Selected Filmography
Rambled, 1998, 16mm, Black and White, 50 minutes, Drama
Dump Talk, 2001, 16mm/DV Comdey/Doc multi-part television show
Baghdad or Bust, 2003, Feature length documentary, DV/Super 8, 70mins
Super 8 Winter, 2004, 5mins, Super 8
The Changeover, 2006, 8mins super 8, 35mm, DV
E.I life, 2006, Super 8, 3mins
The Incident at Smiths Falls, 2008, 13mins super 8/HD
Short cuts and Pathways, 2010, Super 8, 8mins

1. Why do you make films? When did you realize wanted to make films?
I've always been a movie junky, growing up near the Mayfair theatre probably started it all. It was a chance to see classic/cult films before everyone had a VCR. I started making films in high school on Video 8.

2. What's your process of creation? Who's involved with it?
Most of my films are created on the fly. I always have a "basic plan" but most of my non-narrative films are simply created/tied together in post after I know what I have on the visual side. Dramatic films are always scripted, and storyboarded though. I also like to always location scout before a shoot, taking photos or video of planned locations. I generally try to get a small crew together that I have worked with before... I always go back to the same people.

3. When making films, do you think to adopt a certain style or common theme?
Not really I'm kinda all over the place...though I really like to tie in original music recorded around the time of filming or just after. The music sets the mood.

4. Where to do you look for inspiration?
Fellow filmmakers, Canadian indie films from the 70's and 80's, and literature.

5. What are the advantages/disadvantages of being a filmmaker in Ottawa?
Advantages: A nice pool of gear that is usually pretty available and easy to book. Zero hassle when it comes to filming in Ottawa, or surrounding locations.

Disadvantages: Small crew/actor pool to choose from for bigger budget dramatic shoots. Filmmaking in Ottawa is always a side project and finding people or time when everybody has a day job can be difficult. And finally finding cash to mount bigger projects can be tough when your competing for funding with larger centres like Toronto.

6. What ultimately determines a good film in your opinion?
It has to be engaging whether that is a good story, unique visuals, or a well produced sound scape.

7. What is your personal mission statement?
To try and have enough time to shoot a couple new works every year.

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