By Patrice James
Film moves me, it grooves me, and it makes my thoughts flow.
It’s natural, intense, filled with a luminous GLOW!
Those asking and questioning why, how, where, when;
have sold out to conformity; now keyboard NOT pen.
I was raised in a space and place fraught with trauma;
the medium of film allows me to expel and exorcize all my drama.
It’s natural, intense, filled with a luminous GLOW!
Those asking and questioning why, how, where, when;
have sold out to conformity; now keyboard NOT pen.
I was raised in a space and place fraught with trauma;
the medium of film allows me to expel and exorcize all my drama.
So, the question being posed, is why Film Matters? Well, in this purportedly democratic world, where each person has a freedom of choice, why should certain things lose their appeal or relevance, just because the marketplace labels them as outmoded, unpopular or dare I declare OBSOLETE? Well for me, an explanation for why film matters is not really necessary. Art matters, and the independent artist’s ability to work within whichever art form or medium he or she desires as a form of creative expression is really what’s relevant. There is not an absolute necessity for us to either apply meaning or worth to, or demand an explanation or a defense of all things; some things contain purely intrinsic value. The medium of film is one such thing.

By my understanding; great art has never been informed by popularity or what’s in mode; genuine art sets the standard by which all else must follow. Artists are the true champions and orators of cultural appreciation, social accountability and as such need to be equipped with a variety of tools through which they can create, express, and comment. Film is one of the most tangible, and evolved mediums; it allows for both an experiential and profoundly inventive creative experience. And so, film matters, because IT IS, IT CAN, IT DOES, IT WILL!